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Thứ tư,23/11/2016

1. Time and weather:

The climate is similar to Vietnam, hot and humid.

The average temperature from 200 C to 300 C, depending on the season.

Local time in Cambodia as Vietnam time (eg in Vietnam is Cambodia's 8:00 in the morning, 8:00 am)

2. Currency:

Money Cambodia: 1 USD = 5000 Riel can rise and fall depending on the moment.

US Dollar can use everywhere without space through money exchange Riel. When you go, bring your Quy USD opened, bringing the odd dollar for ease of use. USD can be used to pay directly or converted to cash at the counters Ria Money Exchange or guides. Guest only moderate amounts of money changed enough to use during the day, avoiding large numbers change causing unfavorable attention. You should not bring money Vietnam Vietnam because unused funds abroad

Should bring a small computer for convenient shopping calculations.

3. Apparel:

Should bring lightweight luggage for easy moving. Should wear athletic shoes or canvas shoes because you will climb and walk a lot, do not wear heels. Guest bring their own personal items daily such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo liking per person, hair dryer, etc.

4. Eating and drinking:

Chinese food and the taste of Cambodian specialties. Meals are served in the drinking water. You should not buy these strange foods to avoid colic and food poisoning.

You can also equip your own food (dry goods, noodles) if the food does not just taste. Do not bring food odor offensive to foreigners.

5. Phone:

Can call on Vietnam to other countries or call from the hotel, phone card purchased at the hotel reception.


From Vietnam to Cambodia: 00-855 + area code + phone number

(Mobile call omit the first 0 of the machine, no area code)

From Cambodia to Vietnam: 001-84 + the area code + phone number

(Mobile call omit the first 0 of the machine, no area code)

6. Shopping:

Pay the price when purchased at the roadside stalls.

Buy the right price at the duty free shops or large stores (listed price).

When shopping or walking in crowded areas should exit price with us pickpockets.

Most of the goods in Cambodia are from Vietnam and Thailand entered into with high taxes have nothing more special in VN so you should buy some souvenirs pretty cheap at Bayon Temple area.

7. Customs - Baggage:

- Each customer traveling abroad are only allowed to bring a maximum of $ 5,000 without declaring it, the opposite must notify the chief to declare to the Customs. Where the customer has spent more demand for safety and you should open credit cards as MasterCards, visacards ...

- When buying foreign parties, the total value of the goods does not exceed 300 USD, not the taxpayer. If you exceed 300 USD will be taxed 60% of the item upon entry to Vietnam (the value of goods will be made by the customs valuation).

- If you carry camcorders please immediately inform the chief to declare on the customs forms. Cameras do not have to declare to the Customs. If there is brought under the tape should be censored before going abroad.

Go and about, each passenger is only allowed to take 20kg of luggage consignment (excluding hand luggage). Hand luggage must not exceed 10kg and not bulky. If so, have to pay the freight of about 5-10 USD / 1kg.

- You are not to be carrying banned items along when the country abroad, in Cambodia handling very serious, possibly the death penalty, so for the safety of themselves, do not get confused or absolute handbag luggage dùm to others.

- No to weapons (knives, scissors ...) or fire appliances (gasoline, lighters ...) in your hand luggage. All liquid: water, water ... not to bring flowers in hand luggage for customs may be confiscated. Not for money, passports, valuable items of luggage consignment.

- All luggage must be locked, the name, address, telephone number (guest prepared) label (found at the airport). When checking-in at the airport is finished, the chief will hold baggage tags for both groups

8. Transportation:

Transport in Cambodia is also very diverse, which is safe and easy to use is still the best Taxi, Taxi call somewhat difficult but even in Phnom Penh. Guest can call up a taxi everywhere, pretty polite drivers and pricing as well as in Vietnam or cheaper.

When you go out shopping to bring a name-card of the hotel to easily find their way back.

9. Some other necessary information:

- Khmer Cambodians use and some use of English / Chinese.

- For customers who have diseases such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, ... should bring the individual chemotherapy drug.

- Other people should bring commonly used drugs such as colds, motion sickness, headaches, ...

- Guests should keep the name card (cards) of the hotel where they stay during the Tour precautions when going astray.

- When you walk around at night (after 11 pm) should consult with local guides, when they went out to inform the guides to avoid waiting, creating discipline and comfort during application tour.

- Local tour guides and team leaders will regularly inform the program, time and place of focus for the Group, please punctuality and proper tour hen.Trong process, you need to separate delegation separately, please quote the head of the delegation.

- Please do not litter, smoke and do not do anything detrimental to the customs and traditions of the locals.

- As a rule of international travel, you should tip for local guides and drivers, the recommended level of USD 3 / person / day.

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